Frank's ARGO Scrap Book
DMQC topics


Calibrations of specifics floats:


A float off Namibia in the South Atlantic, reasonably well behaved,
235 profiles until just about a year ago (2019-01-22):

The calibration shows good-size fluctuations.
Also, as is often the case for this TS shape, the cal levels include a good number
of fairly shallow ones.
first cal: pdf
and and _plus.pdf

I increase the depth "gently" by setting use_pres_gt=650
Now the fluctuations towards the end changed into a distinct drop.
deeper cal: pdf
and _plus.pdf

Just for kicks, I insert a breakpoint near the change (breaks=190),
but the resulting steep slope there seems unrealistic. If any adjustment,
I would think of a bias through the mean of that last drop. Cond cells can
show jumps like that.
add break=190: .pdf
and _cal.pdf


This is one of Sachiko's floats that I did by accident.
It starts of between Madagaskar and Mozambique, then heads south to the Cape
and keeps going southward.

An amazing TS with lots of influences.

Not surprisingly, the first cal had lots of fluctuations with amazing amplitude values.
first cal: pdf
and _plus.pdf

Again, I increase the depth "gently" by setting use_pres_gt=650
The cal curve looks different, but again it basically is just all over the place
without clear trends.
deeper cal: pdf
and _plus.pdf

I am guessing no cal correction, but given the magnitudes here I wanted to check.


Basically a float that "did not work":

It has only one profile down to 90 dbar, and has no position info (though the launch info
exists: lat=-35.5412, lon=4.9839).

We could convert it into a D file without cal, and substitute the launch position.
Or would could ask to have it removed from the GDAC.
This test case could give me a feel for what route to take in similar cases.


This page is maintained by Frank Bahr, and was last updated Jan. 28,2021.